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Thème LeWeb'13 London : Digital "Hippies" ou l'économie du partage

Le thème de LeWeb'13 London vient d'être annoncé par Geraldine et Loic Le Meur (voir video ci-dessous) : les Digital "Hippies" ! L'économie du partage se développe et ce sera le thème central de ce prochain LeWeb.

En effet la tendance montante est bien ces sites de partage ou le particulier propose lui même un service. Quelques exemples : bien sur Wikipedia pionnier du savoir partagé, mais aussi AirBnB (US) pour se loger, Cookening (startup française de Cedric Giorgi) pour manger, Lift de Zimride (US) pour remplacer un taxi, Zilok pour louer à peu près tout (Français) et son service dédié à la location de voiture Ouicar,...


"Hippies" in this context does not mean the anti-war flower children of the 1960’s. But rather a new group of fearless entrepreneurs whose willingness to challenge convention is leading to leaps of imagination.They question the status quo and genuinely want a better society. Apple's Steve Jobs and Virgin's Richard Branson are examples of those who began business as Digital "Hippies". Their approach was revolutionary, some would even say anarchic. 

Peace, Tech & Love:
Today's Digital "Hippies" share many of the core ideological views as the 1960's movement while focusing on creating products and startups that they believe can change the world for the better.

Digital "Hippies" are creating a sharing economy -- one that includes creations like Wikipedia, Airbnb and Lyft -- without a focus on exchanging cash.

LeWeb London will explore the concept of Digital "Hippies" creating a global sharing marketplace from all of these angles. Checking out the hot technologies at the heart of it and as always, hearing industry visionaries take on the concept. (and even more about the theme also on this CNN story)



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